Emory E. Bell

Birth: 1874, Dec. 22
Death: 1929, Sep. 21
Occupation: doctor

Associated Counties

  • Baltimore City

Additional Information

  • Dates: 1874-1929

    Name: Emory E. Bell
    Cause of death: nephritis; (M)
    Death date: Sep 21, 1929
    Place of death: Salisbury, MD
    Birth date: Dec 22, 1874
    Place of birth: Berlin, MD

    Type of practice: Allopath
    Practice specialities:GS General Surgery, PH Public Health
    States and years of licenses:MD, 1905, DE, 1912, VA, 1912
    Places and dates of practices:Berlin, MD, Chincoteague Island, VA, Dec 6, 1915
    Medical school(s): College of Physicians and Surgeons of Baltimore, Baltimore, 1904, (G)
    Journal of the American Medical Association Citation: 93:1402

    Source: Directory of Deceased American Physicians 1804-1929